You Are Forgiven
Did you know that In Christ we are FORGIVEN? We are! Remember God is more than able to do the impossible and that means He is able to forgive us. Join us this Sunday as we discover more to this truth as we discover that In Christ we are Forgiven. That's a great part of our identity as Christ followers. Don't miss. If you want to read ahead you can read Ephesians 4:25-32. Right now, here's a look at what's happening in and around LVC:
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1. I know it sounds like a broken record but we are still in need of NURSERY VOLUNTEERS during Sunday Mornings and Wednesday Evenings. To keep in guidelines with our Child Protection Plan we need two people in the Nursery during our services. So I am asking for some folks from 10:45am service to be willing to serve once every two month in the nursery during the 9:30am service and some folks from the 9:30am service to serve one every two months in the nursery during the 10:45am service. That means you would only serve six times a year. If you are willing to serve please contact Anni Blenki at 813-253-9693.
2. The 4th OF JULY PICNIC & PARADE is quickly approaching. Please make sure to sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday if you are able and willing to serve this year. We need all the help we can get! There will be a short volunteer meeting on Sunday, June 25th at 12noon in the Fellowship Hall. Also, we will have Dogs, Buns, and Water Sunday on Sunday, July 2nd. That is where we are asking everyone to bring 1 package of hotdogs, 1 bag of hot dog buns, and 1 case of water with them to church. However, you can bring your items in at ANY TIME. Thanks for your help!
3. There is a SENIOR ADULT OUTING happening on Saturday, July 15 to Florida College to see "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers." Tickets are $15 per person. No dinner is planned for after the show. Make sure you sign up in the Narthex this Sunday. Deadline for payment is July 9th. If you need more information contact Jan Guinta at 813-661-8282.
4. The UNITED METHODIST MEN will be attending the Annual Men's Retreat in Leesburg this fall. The retreat is October 13-14. This year's theme is "Man Cave Under Renovation." The cost of the retreat is $115. You may sign up on your Connect Card if you wish to go.
5. VISION NIGHT is just around the corner on July 30th at 5pm in the Fellowship Hall. I want to encourage everyone to grab a dish to share and join us for an evening of great food, good fun, and a time of looking ahead.
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God amazes me everyday as I watch Him work through each of you at LVC. It is so refreshing to see so many wanting to do the hard work of following after Him. Thank you for being salt and light in this crazy world we live in. I look forward to worshipping with you Sunday. Have a great rest of your week!
Pastor RIcc