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Power in Prayer

I hope you are finding the Q&A series as helpful as I am. Last Sunday we tackled our second questions which was, Is Prayer for Real? What we discovered is that prayer is extremely powerful! The challenge for us was to make God known through prayer by asking the question, "Is there anything I can pray for you?" of those around us. There is power in prayer!

This Sunday we continue to answer your questions by taking a look at this question: Who is this Holy Ghost? That's right - we are going to take a up close look at the Holy Spirit and His role in our lives. If you want to read ahe

ad we will look at Acts 2:1-13. Hope you can make it and why not bring a friend.

Here's a few things you might want to know about what's happening in and around LVC:

1. The ROOF HAS BEEN REPLACED. God is so good. We let the roofers know where we were financially and they decided to go ahead and get it done before the rains come. We are still about $800 short and praying for God's provision. Thank you so much for your generosity.

2. We are in need of NURSERY VOLUNTEERS during Sunday Mornings and Wednesday Evenings. To keep in guidelines with our Child Protection Plan we need two people in the Nursery during our services. So I am asking for some folks from 10:45am service to be willing to serve once every two month in the nursery during the 9:30am service and some folks from the 9:30am service to serve one every two months in the nursery during the 10:45am service. That means you would only serve six times a year. If you are willing to serve please contact Anni Blenki at 813-253-9693.

3. Our MARRIED PEOPLE EVENT is happening on Sunday, May 7th at 5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. This is a great evening of fun for all couples (you don't have to be married). If you are planning on attending please RSVP by clicking here.

4. VBS VOLUNTEER MEETING will take place on Sunday, May 7th at 12pm in the Fellowship Hall. All volunteers plan on attending and a snack will be provided. Also, all robots for the robot contest are due today. You can drop them off in the fellowship hall. We begin voting with our loose change this Sunday! Make sure you get your neighbors, friends, children and grandchildren registered for VBS! Go VBS.

5. YOUTH SPAGHETTI DINNER AND CAKE AUCTION is happening on Sunday, May 21st at 5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Our students are raising money for their summer mission trip and you are invited to our spaghetti dinner and cake auction. Spaghetti is $8 per plate and following dinner our students will be auctioning off their homemade cakes - so make sure you bring your checkbooks.

I know I always say it but I am so honored to be your pastor. I love what God is doing here at LVC and looking forward to seeing what's around the corner for us as a church. Let's keep being invitational and let's make sure we are finding a place to serve.

Living in His Victory,

Pastor RIcc

P.S. Make sure you register for the Married People Event today! You want be disappointed!

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